Email addresses of students of the Faculty of Philosophy in Niš abused
Privacy and data protection
Unauthorized collection of personal data
Violation of the principle of legality (processing without a legal basis)
Mass casualty
CASES (961)
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Public misinformation
Privacy and data protection
Unauthorized collection of personal data
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Discrimination and hate speech
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Public misinformation
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Limiting freedom of expression
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Character assassination
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Limiting freedom of expression
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Public misinformation
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Endangering security
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Endangering security
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Public misinformation
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Limiting freedom of expression
Privacy and data protection
Unauthorized collection of personal data
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Discrimination and hate speech
Privacy and data protection
Disclosure of data
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Discrimination and hate speech
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Public misinformation
Fraud, threats and manipulations
Public misinformation